Elufa Trading Elufa Trading

Cheesy Fries

Making cheesy fries with Elufa's Just Say Cheeese Premium Cheese Flavoring Powder is a quick and delicious way to satisfy your cheese cravings. This simple recipe transforms basic fries into a cheesy delight, perfect for a snack or side dish.

Time: 25 minutes

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Elufa Bakery Ingredients Elufa Trading Elufa Bakery Ingredients Elufa Trading

Ube Graham Cake

Get ready to indulge in a slice of heaven with Ube Graham Cake made using Elufa Instant Ube Halaya Mix. This cake is the perfect marriage of the vibrant and velvety ube halaya, the crispy and addictive graham crackers, all topped with a luscious cloud of whipped cream

Time: 30 mins

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